
Show XContest flight with YouTube video

URLStart time

  1. What you need
    • Link to XContest flight from any league (e.g. https://www.xcontest.org/cesko/prelety/)
    • Link to YouTube video(s) from your flight (both link formats supported, e.g. youtu.be/video_id or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=video_id)
      • Upload raw video files from your camera to YouTube - you can set them as Unlisted (Private means it's visible only for users you choose on YouTube)
  2. XCvid will extract the following info (add what you can do to improve viewer experience)
    • From XContest flight
      • Description's first line or sentence is used as the title of your new XCvid flight
    • From YouTube videos
      • Title is used in XCvid's play screen bottom graph to name each videofile (common prefix is stripped)
      • Timestamps (m:ss or h:mm:ss - e.g. 8:20 nice thermal) in description field are used to create bookmarks in XCvid's play screen bottom graph
      • Picture-in-picture - if you add more videos overlapping each other then the second one will be displayed alongside the first one
  3. Match timing of videos and tracklog
    • Find the precise start time of each video from meta-information on your computer (e.g. Windows Media Player - Play bookmark)
    • Fill it next to each video link
    • Click Show and check if sync is okay (e.g. moment of start on video corresponds to moment of start on tracklog)
    • If it's shifted then count the difference
    • Click Back in your browser or Edit icon (top right on your XCvid flight)
    • Change timing of tracklog (it's better if your flight contains more video files)
  4. XCvid flight edit (mentioned above)
    • On play screen, click XCvid icon at top right corner (edit made on computer where XCvid flight was originally created will keep the original link to your XCvid flight; edit made on another computer will generate an unique link)


All flights (RSS), My flights

Without video


URL parameters

You can combine these. Especially 3d=0&map=0 should help a lot with performance. You can also try using Firefox on Android (users reported that it works better).

Competition tasks

If the flight is inside a competition task then the map shows circles of its turnpoints. Example, upload competition turnpoints


xcvid.com/live – 3D view from live GPS data.


xcvid.com/embed.php?flight=2150497#123 or xcvid.com/embed.php?ident=davidbrazda/14.07.2020/09:52#123 – Display just 3D at time 123.


PG Vrána